22:05: This month's small update -  - Minor changes in the Downloads section ... the links to each part (emulators, utilies, editors) have been added (instead of having to go back to the main page and go from there), some of the screenshots have been redone to make their filesizes lower.
- Challenge Games moved to its own hostname a while ago, and the affiliate link to it here has finally been updated.
- Not only do I not check my email much at all, but now it seems that it won't let me send any emails to any addresses outside of the server this site is hosted on (ZTNet/Emulation World). Hmm ...
- Quite unexpectedly, the site's record for daily hits has been broken this month! TheCounter tracked 820 visitors on February 23 (previous record was 684, although this was also broken a week before), and Nedstat counted 746 on February 24. I wonder where all those hits came from, but the site's popularity kept growing lately, which almost makes me want to stop being so lazy with the site and start working a bit more on it again ...
- The stat graphs (for the Nedstat counter) have also been updated.
23:51: Some more Level Editor updating ... -  - Lunar Magic 1.41 is now available, and (according to the Readme) has various improvements and new features over version 1.31, including better overworld editing (now you can change the paths) and a few more ASM modifications to the ROM.
- Hyrule Magic 0.952 has a few bug fixes and added options over 0.935.
- Blades's Bubble Bobble Level Editor (BBLE) 0.6ß has also been added. It can edit all 112 rooms in the game (NES version), but doesn't have enemy support yet.
23:57: Happy 2nd birthday to Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain! -  Well ... it's been 2 years now since the old small SMB1 hacking site officially became Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain! Updates may be much less frequent than they used to be, but the site is still going, and its amount of visitors is slowly increasing (look at the updated stats graphs, the Nedstats counter since it's the only one for which the daily hits are still available). It may have been a slow year for the site, but not for its message board, which is much more active than the old one there was last year! The 3rd year is starting, with year 2002 coming ...
No, no big update today ... but Hyrule Magic and Translhextion have been added to the Downloads section. Lunar Magic 1.41 and a Bubble Bobble Level Editor may be coming soon as well, once they're available (Lunar Magic 1.40 is out but has some overworld saving bug, and the Bubble Bobble editor only has a beta release yet).
03:50: Back to the big '00000 ... with 200000 hits! -  About 2 days ago, the hit counter on the main page reached 200000 ... almost 2 years after the site started, a little over 8 months after it got to 100000, and soon after the total hits (all pages) got past 600000. I have no clue on the exact moment the 200000th hit came up, or who got it, but congrats to whoever the lucky visitor was!
May the site keep going for a long time ... even if the updates stay small and rare like they've been for a big part of this year.
23:50: Level editors added to Downloads section -  Once again, not really many, but still 4 of them:
- Lunar Magic (Super Mario World)
- FFHackster (Final Fantasy)
- Mario Improvement 3 (Super Mario Bros 3)
- YY-Mario Editor (Super Mario Bros)
Oh yeah, this may not be of any big interest, but sometime last week while bored, I messed around with Fighting Golf (which I owned on the NES too) and found the course data, and changed the first hole in the USA course to a straight line of fairway surrounded with water (pretty boring hole but oh well, hehe), try it out here. All I changed was the first hole, but that wasn't all that I found in the ROM, I could also change the green, some hole properies (par, etc.) as well as the other holes. I'm not planning to make any real hack out of this, but I haven't seen any golf game hacked before, and making new golf courses (while changing other things in the game) would be something new, probably not the most interesting thing (Mario games are much more popular) but still, hehe.
I also went through the HTML coding for this main page (without the ads and news) and shrunk it down a bit, by about 12% (1.3k), so it might load a tiny little bit faster for slow modem users and take up a little less bandwidth, although it was already quite small and fast loading.