Last update :
June 30, 2001

since 05-20-00
since 10-27-99 (in all pages)
Screenshots from Strange Mario Bros 3
Number of screenshots: 97
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Viewing: 41-60

It's now a grey dark ship.

There's at least 3 or 4 big cannons at this part of the level. And you have to go fast if you don't want to get shrunk by the autoscrolling!

The boss room ...

I made the Princess look better, and changed the text as well.

The level order in World 3 is now totally different!

This was a water level. Look at what I did to it. It's now a pipe level!

Nothing much has changed there, compared to the level itself.

Another fun scrolling underground level!

Hurry up!

Mario takes a dive in the water after jumping on the big cannon bullet.

Beating this level without the platform can be a good challenge.

Another scrolling level ...

Not only has this level used to be in water, but it's also vertical now!

New door maze in the fortress!

Dark fortress cave ...

Very dark place!

Watch out, Mario!

Two chests!

Time to use your bullet-avoiding skills again ...

Mario picks up the rod with his feet!

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© 1999-2002 Acmlm. All pages in Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain are the property of Acmlm (whose real name is Jean-François Lapointe). You can contact him by email by sending a message to (I rarely check my email though so don't expect a fast reply). Do not ask Acmlm for ROMs, find them yourself like he did. Acmlm has no affiliation with Nintendo, or whatever other company mentioned here. He's doing this site during his free time, he does ROM hacking for fun, and doesn't get paid for that.