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Last update :
December 18, 2000

since 12-18-00
since 10-27-99 (in all pages)
  Here you can download the IPS patch for Strange Mario World.
Back to Strange Mario World section
StrMWrld.zip -- Download -- 111717 bytes zipped
Here's Strange Mario World, with all of World 1 done.
This site is optimised for Internet Explorer 5 and higher, with a 800x600 16-bit resolution.

© 1999-2002 Acmlm. All pages in Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain are the property of Acmlm (whose real name is Jean-François Lapointe). You can contact him by email by sending a message to acmlm@overclocked.org (I rarely check my email though so don't expect a fast reply). Do not ask Acmlm for ROMs, find them yourself like he did. Acmlm has no affiliation with Nintendo, or whatever other company mentioned here. He's doing this site during his free time, he does ROM hacking for fun, and doesn't get paid for that.