Challenge 1: the No-Death High Score Challenge
This is a challenge common to all SMB1 and SMB3 hacks. Start a new game, and
try to get as many points as possible until you lose a life, or (less likely) get past all
the hacked levels. The game stops once you die, no matter how many lives are left. Warp
Zones are allowed, but Retro-Warp Zones (if there are) aren't. Good luck! Submissions will
be ranked by top score. You can try more than once, of course. All your submitted results
(NSMs you'll submit) will be put up, with the best on top and the others below, at the
appropriate ranks (at least until there are too many ranks).
Player | NSM | Score | Date | Length | Description |
None | None | 0 | 00-00-00 | 0:00:00 | None |
Challenge 2: the Fastest Completion Challenge
This is a challenge common to most hacks, but mostly for the complete ones. In
this one, try getting past all levels as fast as possible. You can lose as many lives as
you want (just don't get Game Over), but not take Warp Zones. No need for a chronometer, I
can calculate the exact length of the NSM by looking at its file size. Start the NSM
recording right before starting the game, and stop it right after finishing. Good luck!
Submissions will be ranked by top time. You can try more than once, of course. All your
submitted results will be put up, with the best on top and the others below, at the appropriate
ranks (at least until there are too many ranks).
Player | NSM | Score | Date | Length | Description |
None | None | 0 | 00-00-00 | 0:00:00 | None |